Le Droit à la Belle Vie ©

The Right to Have a Beautiful Life ©
Precious and fancy jewelry made in Paris - The love of flowers and graphics
You will find in this page Books and Addresses useful for carrying out your projects.
You will find in this page of Books and the useful Addresses (among which of the web sites in English , Japanese, German, Italian or Spanish) to realize your projects.
Books / Books
The books offered here have been read, re-read, annotated, sometimes stained with coffee, in short tested and approved.
Creative hobbies can be quite obscure when you are not gifted with your hands or gifted but have a more or less developed practical sense. These books are for you! They can also be used by the most gifted among us to enrich their technique and find good ideas.
The books presented in these pages have all been read and used by me. Faced with the loneliness of reading a diagram, arm yourself with patience and do not hesitate to ask for help from those around you (parents, friends). Through some of my tutorials , I will try to put into practice some of the explanations given in these books. On the occasion of the Letter of the week I will from time to time make a small point on one of these books.
Happy reading to all.
Books propose here were read, reread, annotated, sometimes stained by some coffee, brief tested and approved.
The creative leisure can be rather dark when we are not endowed with the hands or talented but having a more or less developed practical sense. These books are for you! They can also be of use to the most talented of us to enrich their technique and find good ideas.
Books presented in these pages were all read and used by myself. In front of the solitude of the reading of a plan be patient and do not hesitate to ask for help around you (parents, friends). Through some of my DIY , I am going to try to put into practice some of the explanations given in these books. On the occasion of the Letter of the week I shall make from time to time a little point on one of these books.
Good reading in all.

Beth Kemp
50 kumihimo jewelry - The art of Japanese braiding explained step by step
Ed. Fleurus
October 2014
Price: €18.95
ISBN: 978-2215149095
Book also available in English from Ed. Quarto Publishing (2014, original title " Twist, Turn & Tie, 50 Japanese Braids ").
Also available book in English in Publication of Fourth, 2014, " Twist, Turn & Tie, 50 Japanese Braids ".
Read the Letter of the week #6 on the Kumihimo technique and this book.
On the back cover :
"A Japanese braiding technique, kumihimo allows you to create sumptuous, round, flat or twisted models, which you will make in silk or cotton threads. Vary the patterns, associate beads with the braiding... the possibilities are endless. For make the 50 models explained in this book, let yourself be guided step by step.
Slip the threads into the notches according to the diagrams and continue braiding until you obtain the desired length for a necklace, a bracelet, a belt, etc.
To start right away, use the kumihimo disc inserted in the cover! You can also create your own discs using the templates provided.

Do It Yvette
Bracelets and other leather jewelry - 20 DIY projects
Ed. Hachette Practical
May 2015
Price: €12.90
ISBN: 9782013967624
To read what I think: Read the Letter of the Week n°5
On the back cover :
"Making leather jewelery yourself is not that complicated: the progress made in the treatment of hides has made it possible to democratize its use, offering a wide range of softer leathers, very easy to work with and in all imaginable colours. Here you will find advice, techniques and tips for getting started and making around twenty bracelets and jewellery.Don't hesitate any longer: create classic or more original models to accessorize all your outfits... In short, jewels to tan!”.
On the back cover :
"Designing jewelry from beads, resin, papier-mâché, silver paste, leather, metal or any other decorative material is a fun activity that will allow you to give free rein to your most creative desires and embellish your daily outfits or those of your friends. Once you have acquired the essential equipment and supplies (...) you will be able to discover 48 models of costume jewelery - rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings - but also accessories such as small evening bags, barrettes or clutches... Traditional or contemporary in inspiration, all these projects are explained and illustrated step by step (...)".

Marisa Lupato
What if I learned...jewelry
Ed. Place des Victoires
April 2006 and new edition in 2014
Price: €9.95
ISBN: 978-2809910810
Book also available in Italian from Ed. Giunti Editore SpA (2003, Florence-Milan, original title " Fare Gioielli ")

Anne Sophier-Fournel and Agnes Delage-Calvet
L'Atelier des bracelets - 20 step-by-step techniques to create more than 40 models (volume 2)
Ed. Marabout (Hachette book)
April 2015
Price: €14.90
ISBN: 978-2501101387
On the back cover :
"A few meters of multicolored cotton, nylon or paracord threads, pretty ribbons, seed beads or faceted fancy beads, feathers, charms and small charms to create a multitude of on-trend bracelets to offer or simply to wear!"
useful addresses updated in february 2016 / Useful addresses u dated in February, 2016
At the time of all Internet , it is also useful to go to real shops on the floor of the cows. You will find here a non-exhaustive list of useful addresses to provide you with material.
I did not visit all the real shops (especially those outside Paris). I therefore have complete confidence in the professionals who work in these shops. If you know a store that deserves to be known, do not hesitate to send me the address and some photos so that I can disseminate the information on this blog. If you are aware of the moving or closing of one of the shops referenced on this page, please let me know as well so that we can all take advantage of this news.
I take advantage of this page to say a very big thank you to two shops which particularly helped me to create my first large stock of pearls, findings, ribbon, and other essential items for jewelry: thank you to the Tout à loisirs team de Paris , rue des Archives and that of La Perlerie 22 rue du Temple in Paris. My beginnings would have been much more complicated without their soft price for "young" creators.
At the time of the Internet , it is also useful to go in the real shops on the dry land. You will find here a not exhaustive list of useful Addresses to provide yourselves in material equipment.
I did not visit all the real shops (in particular those outside Paris). Thus I make a whole confidence to the professionals who work in these shops. If you know a shop which deserves to be known, do not hesitate to send me the address and some photos so that I spread the information about this blog. If you have knowledge of the moving or the closure of one of the shops referenced in this page also indicate it I so that we can all take advantage of these current events.
I take advantage of this page to tell one very thank you to two shops which particularly helped me to create my first consequent stock of pearls, findings, ribbon, and other objects essential for the jewelery : thanks to the team of Tout à loisirs of Paris, street of Archives and in that of La Perlerie 22 , street of the Temple in Paris. My debuts would have been more complicated without their quite soft price for a young designer.

Materials (beads, findings, jeweler's tools, threads, leather, Japanese paper and fabric, etc.)
In Paris
Material (beads, findings, tools of jeweler, thread, leather, paper and Japanese fabric, etc.)
In Paris
Everything at Leisure "Retail" / Store open to the public / 50 rue des Archives 75004 PARIS /
Open Tuesday to Saturday. They have a catalog that can be consulted on their Tout à Loisirs website.
from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Such. : 01 48 87 08 87
For professionals: 77 rue du Temple 75003 PARIS / orders@toutaloisirs.fr /
Open Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. / tel: 01 48 04 50 58
Tout à Loisirs also has shops elsewhere in France (see below).
La Perlerie 22 / Semi-wholesale store open to the public with very attractive prices for non-professionals / 22 rue du Temple 75 003 PARIS / Monday to Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Adeline Klam is an ideal shop if you are looking for Japanese paper and fabrics and a little material to make your creations (mobiles, lampshades, fabric flowers, masking tape, etc.) / 54 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 PARIS / Open Monday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel: 01 48 07 20 88 / E-mail: contact@adelineklam.com / You can also buy equipment on its Adeline Klam website .
L'Atelier has two addresses. One for beads, buttons, DMC threads and other ribbons at 27 rue des Plantes 75014 Paris (01 45 40 02 25) and the other for fabric, wool, etc. at 13 bis rue des Plantes 75014 Paris (01 57 05 79 25) / From Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. L'Atelier also has boutiques elsewhere in France (see below). You can order on their L'Atelier website .
La Droguerie / 9 and 11 rue du Jour 75001 PARIS / Open Monday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel: 01 45 08 93 27 /contact@ladroguerie.com.
You can visit their website Drugstore
La Droguerie also has shops elsewhere in France and even in Japan for more than 20 years (see below).
The small grocery store , 74 glassworks street 75004 Paris, Metro Châtelet - Hotel de Vile / Open on Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday and Monday from 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. / Tel. : 01 73 75 65, Service & order: 01 49 88 34 69. You can visit their website La Petite épices .
Frou Frou Contemporary Haberdashery / 2, 4, 6 rue Livingstone 75018 Paris / Open Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Tuesday to Saturday from 9:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can visit their website Frou Frou
Junku , Japanese bookstore with a large selection of Japanese paper and methodological books in the basement /
18, rue des Pyramides 75001 PARIS / Tel: 01 42 60 89 12 / E-Mail: info@junku.fr. / You can shop on their Junku website .
Kaetsu , small shop but very nice choice of Japanese fabrics, patterns, and a selection of methodological books (in French and Japanese) / 8 rue du Roule 75001 PARIS / Open Monday to Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. / Tel: 01 42 36 14 39 / E-mail: info@kaetsu.fr / You can discover the universe of its manager on her Internal Kaetsu website .
Matière Active as their website says "Shop and workshops for nimble fingers or left hands" / 59 rue du mont Cenis 75018 PARIS / Open Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. / 01 42 52 99 75 / For information, in particular on their Workshop creations and internships, you can go to their website Matière Active .
Raw material / 12, rue de Sévigné 75004 PARIS / Tel: 01 42 78 40 87 / Open Monday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Sunday from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. / Email: contact@matierepremiere.fr. You can order on their Raw Material Site
Pearls Box / For retail sale 1 rue Bernard-de-Clairveaux 75013 PARIS / Tel. : 01 42 78 43 13
For professionals: 56 rue de Turbigo75 003 PARIS / Tel: 01 42 78 28 78
Rougier et Plé Filles du Calvaire / 13-15 bd des Filles du Calvaire 75003 PARIS / Open Monday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel: 01 44 54 81 00 / Email: info@rougier-ple.fr
You can order some materials on their Rougier et Plé website .
This brand has several stores in Paris and in the provinces (50) depending on their specialties (pearls, graphic art, etc.): see below.
To buy leather skins (whole or scrap):
BHV Marais / in the basement shoemaking department / 52, rue de Rivoli 75004 PARIS / Open Monday to Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. / Tel: 0977 401 400
Sacred coupons / 4 bis rue d'Orsel 75018 PARIS / open Monday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel. : 01 42 64 69 96 / Email: sacrescoupons@yahoo.fr
Two shops: one for hides and skins and the other for fabric coupons.

Purchase of equipment on the Internet
(beads, findings, jeweler's tools, threads, leather, Japanese paper and fabric, etc.)
Purchase of material on the Internet
(beads, findings, tools of jeweler, thread, leather, paper and Japanese fabric, etc.)
aL&Co creations (haberdashery, fabrics, patterns, etc.) / http://alandco-creations.fr/
A little Mercerie / http://www.alittlemercerie.com/
Adeline Klam (Japanese paper and fabrics, small materials for DIY) / http://www.adelineklam.com
Arrowworks (beads, dressings, fabrics, haberdashery, etc. ) / http://arrowworkshop.tictail.com/products
L'Atelier (haberdashery, pearls, fabrics) / http://www.atelierdelacreation.com/
L'Atelier chez soi (Nepali, Italian paper, etc., cardboard furniture) http://www.atelierchezsoi.fr/store/papier-decoration
Crea Vea / http://www.creavea.com/
Leather in Stock / http://www.cuirenstock.com/
La Boutique de Mimie , haberdashery, beads, findings, clips, charms, etc. http://www.alittlemercerie.com/boutique/la_boutique_de_mimie-1859919.html
The Drugstore / http://www.ladroguerie.com/shop/
La Petite Epicerie / http://la-petite-epicerie.fr/fr/
Junku - Japanese bookstore / http://www.junku.fr/fr
Raw material / http://www.matierepremiere.fr
Cardboard House / http://www.maison-carton.com/fr/
Perles & Co / http://www.perlesandco.com
Rougier and Ple / http://www.rougier-ple.fr
The Chapat tannery / http://www.tannerie-chapat.com
IN (Internet link for pages in French)
aunties beads / http://www.auntiesbeads.com/
Beads direct / http://www.beadsdirect.co.uk/
dreamtime creations / http://www.dreamtimecreations.com/
Decopatch / http://www.decopatch.com/ENG/index.html
Fabricworm / http://www.fabricworm.com/patterns.html
Fabrictales / http://www.fabrictales.com/
The Little Grocery / http://la-petite-epicerie.fr/en/ Also available in German: http://la-petite-epicerie.fr/de/
Cardboard House / http://www.maison-carton.com/en/
Raw material / http://www.matierepremiere.com/?___store=matmag_en_en&___from_store=matmag_fr
Paper Mojo / http://www.papermojo.com/
The Paper Place / http://shop.thepaperplace.ca/
Japanese pearl supplier, etc. : Website in Japanese / Japanese supplier of beads, etc. : site in Japanese

Materials (beads, findings, jeweler's tools, threads, leather, Japanese paper and fabric, etc.)
In Paris
material (beads, findings, tools of jeweler, thread, leather, paper and Japanese fabric, etc.)
Outside Paris
Acces-Soir / 7 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau 38000 GRENOBLE / Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel. : 04 76 63 01 19 / Email: acces.soir@hotmail.fr
Arrow Workshop - La mercerie moderne 11, rue Sainte-Ursule 31,000 Toulouse / Open Monday to Saturday. Monday 2 p.m.-7 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. (non-stop) / Such.: 05 61 22 96 49 / E-mail : workshop.arrow@gmail.com
The Workshop / 103, Boulevard Jean Jaurès 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT / Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Such. : 09 52 72 59 06
13, rue de l'Arbre Sec 69001 LYON / Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Tel. : 09 53 22 62 21
Drugstore has 10 stores in 2015 in France but also in Japan. I invite you to visit their La Droguerie website for the exact addresses in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Rennes and Strasbourg and in Japan.
Frou Frou Contemporary Haberdashery
Frou-Frou BHV Part Dieu Lyon / CC La Part Dieu Rue du Docteur Bouchut 69000 LYON Cedex 3 / Open Monday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Frou-Frou BHV Parly 2 / C entre commercial Parly 2 78158 Le Chesnay Cedex / Open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The pearl of leisure / 42 Rue Charles Rivière 44400 Rezé (near Nantes) / Telephone : 02 53 55 53 05 / Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Everything at Leisure "Retail" / Store open to the public / 1 rue Forcée - Port Joinville 85350 Ile d'Yeu / Open from April to September / Such. : 02 51 26 02 48
Rougier et Plé (and also under the names Graphigro, Art'pro, Color'i, Artéïs) has 50 stores throughout France. To find out about them, you can visit their Rougier et Plé website.